Recommendations / by Brandon Cohen

One of things that makes me the most fulfilled (is this the right word?) is recommending something correctly to someone who really appreciates it. It’s a mix of affirmation of knowing that person, knowing your taste is good, and also being able to extrapolate your knowledge of them to infer what they might like.

Two examples recently are:

  1. Connecting two people I met in my travels and they turned out to get along super well.

  2. Recommending one of my favorite restaurants to a friend and he loved it. For the record, it was Maido in Lima — which I recommend to EVERYONE who goes there.

I wonder if other people are fired up about stuff like this. I know many other people love sharing and taking recommendations of books so I assume that it spills into other things as well.

Anyways, short entry today but let me know if you have any recommendations for ANYTHING, let me know and I’m happy to return the favor.