Music / by Brandon Cohen

So it looks like daily isn’t going to be as easy as I thought. Certainly I could just write every morning, but then I won’t have had inspiration from the day. So we’ll stick to daily but I might miss days occasionally. Lucky or unlucky enough, I don’t think I have many readers of this so it shouldn’t matter.

I’ll be in Las Vegas for the weekend so that will be a few missed days as well.

I’m writing this after getting back from a concert/art show that my brother played at (check out Maidename here). I don’t know if it’s because we grew up in Southern California, but the music/art combo has always been a big piece of our lives. It melded well with the surf/skate/snow culture that has it’s industry based here. Of course everyone blends their styles and tastes differently but it’s interesting to see the commonalities, the roots of where people come from.

Also, one thing I’ve never pursued hard enough has been playing music. It’s always been a passion of mine but whether through embarrassment, lack of confidence, or something more like laziness, I’ve never taken any bands too seriously, or joined a serious one. I’ve always been content to just jam and play covers here and there, never feeling I had anything worth saying or the ability to write anything worthwhile or that I would personally enjoy. As for the drums, that’s not true, since my approach seems to be just play and making stuff up comes naturally, but that requires other musicians with ideas.

Anyways, if anyone reads this let’s jam. And maybe I’ll figure something out or look at Craigslist and try to join something for a few months. Make a few friends, a few tunes, play a show or two. Why not?