FinTwit / by Brandon Cohen

If you know me personally, you know that I use and reference things on Twitter a lot. Unlike me, however, there are people out there that actually have followings, specifically within the little communities online that are named x Twit (generally). One of the communities I lightly follow and (try to) participate in is “FinTwit”.

This podcast has three people I follow and regularly see things from — largely comedy — and so naturally I wanted to listen.

While most of the podcast is nonsense banter (a trend in podcasting), many of the topics are interesting and have a few actually good takeaways. I’m not going to summarize the whole thing and put my own twist on some that stood out to me:

  • Mental models are just a way to not think. They can be good off the cuff but should be used as a test more than as a replacement for analysis.

  • My only dogmatic belief is that dogmatic beliefs should be avoided. Anyone who thinks they’re right and their methodology is the only way is full of shit.

  • Which leads into a good perspective — Everything I know is probably wrong, but some of it’s useful. The short explanation is that if you look back in history, the educated elite’s general beliefs were all wrong. It’s silly to think that all of what we take is true today as immune to what has been true forever.

  • Fact checking is important. People fake and/or exaggerated data and findings all of the time. Once one person uses a bogus source for something it can spiral out of control and just become an accepted fact when it is, in fact, only some guy in Oklahoma’s assertion… you get the point.

Anyways, it’s a fun little listen, check it out:

If you want to follow any of them here are their handles:

Mine is @brobcohen if you were curious ;)