Recollections of Syracuse (2013) / by Brandon Cohen

Originally posted in 2013 on Tumblr. Titled “Go Orange?”

Headed out back for JFK. On the way I stopped for pizza, i’m in New York. (buffalo chicken - so f-in good) Off to syracuse.

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Made it there, the trees from the landing seemed so epic. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Like this,

Got some more pizza at a place that I can’t remember the name of, it was pretty good. I guess its a staple of the Syracuse culture. Then we went to the local corner store and picked up our supplies for Edward Fortyhands. 

  • <-watch this if you are clueless (although these two didn’t have the balls to finish and remove the tape

While doing forty-hands we played, no hand flip-cup (self explanatory, although I was terrible at it), jenga (failing miserably), and a game the rest of the world plays called finish your beverage. After that we rolled to the bars. 

I don’t remember all the bars’ names but when I find them out I will edit this. I know one was run by Sammies there, apparently they’re super guido out there.


Started the day off with Funk n’ waffles. I created the persona and waffle namesake Chad Cunningham: Turkey, Basil, Tomato, Mozzarella, Pesto Sandwich on a giant waffle. It was delicious but it took an hour of waiting so it was free. It’s a great spot though, one that could be on a sitcom like that place in friends. At night there they have performances and there is artwork that is pretty urban on the walls for sale. I’d like to get one sometime. After some muckin around (TV and grilled cheese/tomato soup) I fell asleep for a brief nap to precede drinking and the football game. No one really tailgates there so we went over to Sig Ep’s liveout where we met up with Alex’s friends, played drinking games, and got pumped for ‘Cuse to beat Pitt. I did not know they would win, this is hindsight knowledge.

The dome is pretty epic. Granted I only saw it for football I can’t even comprehend a game there in the full swing of basketball season. We left a tad early and headed out to the local bar. We met up with some nice sorority girls there, skinny blondes. Drank and conversed, then coerced into a drinking competition by the girls. After that we went to their apartment for some of their “amazing bar and bar tending skills”. Worth it. 

The next morning I took a little walk around to try and subside my hangover, it started raining and it didn’t work. But it was a peaceful and beautiful walk. Off to the airport after some oeufs en cocotte (eggs n’ soldiers). Thanks Alex. Well, off to NYC then.